UnSpun 111 – Holly and Mark Warhol: “Kabbalistic Inversion, Pt. 2″

Live on Tuesdays at 6pm (TONIGHT) Pacific time – UnSpun #111: Kabbalistic Inversion, Part 2, with Holly Seeliger and Mark Warhol.

Delving further into Kabbalistic Inversion. The fallacy of Kabbalistic Inversion surrounds us in our daily lives, but most do not see or recognize it. We'll be expanding on exactly what the fallacy of Kabbalistic Inversion is, and where it originates, so that the audience can no longer be fooled by it.

Holly Seeliger is an local elected official in the city of Portland, Maine, and runs a Youtube Channel called "Holly Seeliger's Zoon Politikon". Seeliger received her B.A. in Political Science from the University of Southern Maine in 2010, and in 2012 launched a successful referendum campaign to preserve city parks from private sale by the local City Council. Seeliger provides online commentary examining and researching politics, history, philosophy, popular culture, and "intellectual freedom".

Holly's Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsGONrYTksBI250Fbp6fR-g

Mark Warhol is a family Man, with a beautiful wife and four amazing children. He's been in the Lion's Den, teaching for over 25 years in public education... Earned a Degree in Marketing and a Masters in Education from Claremont Graduate University. Has extensively traveled the world, in which he credits his greatest education in Truth and "Awakening". He is the founder of eSTEM (environmental-science, technology, engineering and math education) and is a passionate outdoorsman. He walks the RHP as a stoic in training using the Trivium Method as the greatest tool to break through the spell of lies cast upon the world...

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