Notes, Links, and References for further study:
- David Norman Dinkins (Wikipedia)(106th Mayor of New York City, 1990 – 1993)
- Ed Koch (Wikipedia) (105th Mayor of New York City, 1978 – 1989)
- Alfred North Whitehead (Wikipedia)
- (Book) “The Aims of Education and Other Essays” by Alfred North Whitehead (1929)
- Hubert’s Dime Museum & Flea Circus
- Flea Circus (Wikipedia) Fleas aren’t “trained”, they are categorized, restrained, and put to work; just as students are in schools.
- Wilhelm Wundt (Wikipedia)
- Machiavellian techniques (Wikipedia)
- Roman Collegia (Wikipedia)
- John Calvin + Theocratic State (Washington State University archive)
- Theocracy (Wikipedia)
- Capital (Wikipedia)
- Overproduction (Wikipedia)
- Hyperdemocracy (Wikipedia)
- Hour 5 Roundtable Discussion of minutes 1-15:
- Carl von Clausewitz (Wikipedia)
- (Book) “On War” by Carl von Clausewitz (1832) (page 490)
- Battle of Jena (Wikipedia)
- Roman Collegia (Wikipedia)
- Mark Antony (Wikipedia)
- Niccolò Machiavelli (Wikipedia)
- (Book) “The Discourses” by Epictetus, Translated by W.A. Oldfather (108 AD)
- (Book) “The Prince” by Niccolò Machiavelli, Translated by N. H. Thomson (1532)
- (Book) “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu (4-3 Century BC)
- Qaballah (Wikipedia)
- Tree of Life ( – Qabala information website)
- (Book) “Qaballah: The Mystical Heritage of the Children of Abraham” by Daniel Feldman
- Trivium (Wikipedia)
- Quadrivium (Wikipedia)
- Mudsill Theory (Wikipedia)
- (Video) “The Lightbulb Conspiracy”
- Brutus (Wikipedia)
- Julius Caesar (Wikipedia)
- (Congressional Record; Scribd) U. S. Congressional Record Proceedings and Debates “Steps Toward British Union, a World State, and International Strife – Part I" Honorable Jacob Thorkelson (Montana) Monday August 19, 1940
- Jacob Thorkelson (Wikipedia)
- Andrew Carnegie October 14, 1904 “Drifting Together Will the United States and Canada Unite?”
- Intelligensia BF Trantowsky
- (Book) “Fire in the Minds of Men: Origins of the Revolutionary Faith” by James H. Billington (1980)
- James H. Billington (Wikipedia)
- André-Marie Ampère (Wikipedia)
- The Pilgrims Society (Wikipedia)
- Albion (Wikipedia)
- (Book) “War and Education” by Porter Sargent (1943)
- (Book) “Getting Us Into War” by Porter Sargent (1941)
- Lord Lothain
- (Book) “The Anglo-American Establishment” by Carroll Quigley (1949) (Introductory chapter; overview of the Round Table groups)
- Cecil Rhodes Roundtable (Wikipedia) / Milner Kindergarten (Wikipedia)
- (Book) “Sociology of the Elites” Mosca Pareto
- (Book) “The Ruling Class”
- Gaetano Mosca (Wikipedia)
- Vilfredo Pareto (Wikipedia)
- Elite Theory (Wikipedia)
- (Book) “Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making” by David Rothkopf (2008)
- (Video) “The Corporation Nation” by Clint Richardson (2010)(Comprehensive Annual Financial Report)
- Corporate Personhood (Wikipedia)
- Legal Personality (Wikipedia)
- Santa Clara County vs Southern Pacific RR (1896) (Wikipedia)
- (Book) “Unequal Protection” by Thom Hartman (2004)
- Hour 5, minutes 15 -30 (approx.):
- “The Crisis of Democracy: Report of the Governability of Democracies to the Trilateral Commission” by Michel J. Crozier, Samuel P. Huntington, Joji Watanuki (1975)
- Sandinista National Liberation Front (Wikipedia)
- Iran Contra (Wikipedia)
- Paris Peace Conference 1919 (Wikipedia)
- Col. Edward Mandell House (Wikipedia)
- (Book) “Paris 1919: Six Months That Changed The World” by Margaret MacMillan (2002)
- Hồ Chí Minh (Wikipedia)
- Commodore Matthew C. Perry / Opening of Japan (
- (Document) Abraham Lincoln’s Speech Before the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 30, 1859
- (Book) "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" by Eric S. Raymond
- Goldcorp, Inc. (Wikipedia)
- “He Struck Gold on the Net (Really)” (Fast Company magazine article by Linda Tischler; May 31, 2002)
- (Book) “Discovering: Inventing & Solving Problems at the Frontiers of Scientific Knowledge” by Robert Scott Root-Bernstein & Michèle Root-Bernstein(1997)
- (Book) “Sparks of Genius: The Thirteen Thinking Tools of the World’s Most Creative People” by Robert Scott Root-Bernstein (2001)
- John Kanzius (Wikipedia)
- “The Kanzius Machine: A Cancer Cure?” (CBS News, April 2008)
- Thomas Edison (Wikipedia)
- Benjamin Franklin (Wikipedia)
- Albert Einstein (Wikipedia)
- Max Planck (Wikipedia)
- James Clerk Maxwell (Wikipedia)
- Hour 5 Roundtable Discussion of minutes 15-30:
- (Book) “Weapons of Mass Instruction” by John Taylor Gatto
- The Trivium (
- “The Crisis of Democracy: Report of the Governability of Democracies to the Trilateral Commission” by Michel J. Crozier, Samuel P. Huntington, Joji Watanuki (1975)
- (Book) “Clash of Civilizations” by Samuel P. Huntington (1998)
- “When the Elite Loved LSD” (Time U.S. Article from April 23, 2007; search Henry Luce)
- The Trilateral Commission (Wikipedia)
- David Rockefeller (Wikipedia)
- Jimmy Carter (Wikipedia)
- Zbigniew Brzezinski (Wikipedia)
- Nelson Rockefeller (Wikipedia)
- Barack Obama + Brezynski + Afghanistan (CIA)
- Cybernetics (Wikipedia)
- Bronislaw Trentowski (Wikipedia)
- (Book) “Fire in the Minds of Men” by James H. Billington (1980) (see chapter 8 “Prophecy: The Emergence of an Intelligentsia”; page 231, “Trentowski”
- (Book) “The Relationship of Philosophy to Cybernetics; or The Art of Ruling Nations”, Trentowski also invented the words “intelligentsia” & “cybernetics&rdquo
- Staatswissenschaft (Political Science as introduced from Prussia into the U.S. via Columbia University 1890; see: “Politics and Progress” by Dennis J. Mahoney)
- Andrew Dickson White of the Yale Troika (Wikipedia)
- Daniel Coit Gilman of the Yale Troika (Wikipedia)
- (Book) “America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones” by Antony Sutton (chapter 8 “How The Order Controls Education&rdquo
- (Book) “Politics and Progress: The Emergence of American Political Science” by Dennis J. Mahoney
- Political Science (Wikipedia)
- “Dialectic and the Myth of Government” (Gnostic Media episode #115 interview with Larken Rose)
- Defintion of Volition (
- (Book) “Sic Itur Ad Astra” by Andrew J. Galambos (1998)
- John Dewey (
- John Dewey (Wikipedia)
- Bureaucracy (Wikipedia)
- (Book) "Public Opinion" by Walter Lippmann (1922)
- The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing (Wikipedia)
- "Politics and Progress: The Emergence of American Political Science" (chapter 4) (1st name & then - Raymond B. Cattell or Raymond G. Gattel)
- Pragmatism (Wikipedia)
- Emmanuel Kant (Wikipedia)
- (Video) The Trivium “How to Free Your Mind” by Jan Irvin
- Gnostic Media episodes:
- Amtssprache (Wikipedia) (Meaning “Official Language”; 1) the language of an area; 2) bureaucrat speak
- (Book) "The Franklin Cover-Up" by Senator John DeCamp (2005)
- (Video) "The Conspiracy of Silence" (Discovery Channel Documentary about the Franklin Cover-Up)
- Cognitive Dissonance (Wikipedia)
- Definition of Entropy (
- Definition of Entropy (Thermodynamic explanation; Wikipedia)
- Definition of Entropy (In Information Theory)
- Entropy and Information (Definition of Entropy in relation to Information; from Principia Cybernetica Web)
- Hour 5, minutes 30 -45 (approx.):
- (Book) “Principles of Psychology” by William James (1890)
- William James(Wikipedia)
- Wilhelm Wundt(Wikipedia)
- (Book) “Principles of Secondary Education” by Alexander James Inglis (1918)
- (Book) “Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time” by Carroll Quigley (1966)
- Charles Darwin (Wikipedia)
- Hour 5 Roundtable Discussion of minutes 30-45:
- Wilhelm Wundt (Wikipedia)
- (Book) “The Principles of Psychology” by William James (Chapter IV; 1890) (Ctrl-F (find function) “Habit is thus the enormous fly-wheel of society…&rdquo
- Alexander James Inglis
- James Bryant Conant (Wikipedia)
- (Book) "Compromised Campus” by Sigmund Diamond (1992) (Oxford University Press)
- James Corbett /Richard Grove (Interview)
- (Book) “Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time” by Carroll Quigley (The Japanese Assualt, 1931 – 1941; pg. 561 CTRL-F (find function) “Japanese constitution of 1889&rdquo
- Prussian Education Model (Wikipedia)
- G. Stanley Hall (term “adolescence&rdquo
- (Book) “America’s Secret Establishment: Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones” by Antony Sutton (see: chapter 8 “How The Order Controls Education”; “Yale Troika&rdquo
- (Book) “Principles of Secondary Education”by Alexander James Inglis (1918)
- “The Aims and Functions of Secondary Education” (Chapter X, pg. 367)
- “The Organization of Secondary Education: Curriculums (Chapter XX, pg. 668)
- Adjustive Function (Fixed Habits)
- Integrative Function
- Directive Function
- Differentiating Function
- Selective Function
- Propaedeutic Function
- British Class System
- Elwood P. Cubberley (Wikipedia)
- Bionomics / The Law of Life (Wikipedia)
- (Book) “Cubberley of Stanford and his contribution to American Education“ by (Stanford Press)
- Leland Stanford (Wikipedia)
- (Book) “An Introduction to the Study of Education” by Elwood P. Cubberley (Riverside Textbooks In Education; 1925, Houghton Mifflin Co.)
- The Inglis Lecture (Harvard, 1933)
- Hour 5, minutes 45 -end (approx.):
- Hour 5 Roundtable Discussion of minutes 45-end:
- Definition of fficial&client=firefox-a#hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=zPc&rls=org.mozilla:en-US
- Compassionate Communication (Wikipedia)
- (Book) “Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life” by Marshall B. Rosenberg
- (Video) Marshall Rosenberg on Nonviolent Communication (YouTube playlist)
- (Video) UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED Conference)
- (Video) George Hunt on the UNCED Earth Summit (UNCED Conference; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 1992)
- (Website)
- (Website)
- Occupy Wall Street (Wikipedia)
- Incompetence (Merriam-Webster Dictionary Definition)
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