Trivium / Quadrivium bookmarks
The Trivium Method on the front and 19 of the most common logical fallacies on the back. Bookmarks – 4 for $4 or 12 for $10 + S&H.Logical Fallacies Bookmarks (blue)
Gnostic Media fallacy bookmarks. Keep the most common fallacies right at your fingertips while you read.
Includes 19 of the most common logical fallacies on the back. Bookmarks – 4 for $4 or 12 for $10 + S&H.Logos Media Podcast – 12 Year Archive
For those who don’t want to spend hours downloading but still want to support the show, this is all 12 years of the Logos [formerly Gnostic] Media podcast available on flash drive and shipped to your door.
Includes 239 episodes (001 – 239)
Dates: October 28,2008 – October 30, 2015.
Includes all guests.
412+ hours
14.6 GB
List price:
2 Double Layer DVDs: $129.00 donation + S&H
1 16GB flash drive: $137.00 donation + S&H (included in price below).
For more information see the Archives.The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross
by John Marco Allegro
(40TH Anniversary Edition – Preface autographed by Jan Irvin)
Foreword by Judith Anne Brown
Afterword by Carl A.P. Ruck
© 2009 – Gnostic Media and the Allegro estate.For more information see
List price:
Hardback: $35.00 ISBN: 978-0-9825562-6-9
Softcover: $24.00 ISBN: 978-0-9825562-7-6Plus S&H:The Holy Mushroom Evidence of Mushrooms in Judeo-Christianity:
A critical re-evaluation of the schism between John M. Allegro and R. Gordon Wasson over the theory on the entheogenic origins of Christianity presented in The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross (Autographed by Jan Irvin)by J.R. Irvin, © 2008.
ISBN 13: 9781439215173
Published: October 2008
Library of Congress Control Number: 2008909509
With 38 colour, and 7 B&W plates
List price:
COLOR: $42.49
Black & White: $19.00Astrotheology & Shamanism
Astrotheology & Shamanism: Christianity’s Pagan Roots.
A Revolutionary Reinterpretation of the Evidence.
(Autographed by Jan Irvin) Second, Colour Edition, Edited and Revised.
by Jan Irvin and Andrew Rutajit
© Jan Irvin – 2009ISBN 13: 9781439222430
Published: February 2009
Library of Congress Control Number: 2008911858With more than 143 colour, and 42 B&W images!
List price:
COLOR: $51.49
Black & White: $20.99The Pharmacratic Inquisition DVD
List Price: $21.95 ea. + shipping
Now Only $ 17.56!
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For USA residents ONLY Wheat Blows Bumper Stickers (S&H Included)
For the fridge, cupboard, or bumper – remind yourself not to eat wheat.
Bumper Stickers – $2/ea + S&HMEMBERSHIP TEST - ON Hold until eMember is figured out
DRAFT ONLY - 1 week unlimited access to the podcast archives (One time only)
1 week unlimited access to the podcast archives – $15DRAFT ONLY - 1 week unlimited access to the podcast archives– $15 (and $10 automatic renewal/recurring charge for additional weeks)
1 week unlimited access to the podcast archives – $15 (and $10 automatic renewal/recurring charge for additional weeks):Price:
DRAFT ONLY - 1 month unlimited access to the podcast archives (One time only)
1 month unlimited access to the podcast archives – $25 (One time only)DRAFT ONLY - 1 month unlimited access to the podcast archives – $25 (and $18 automatic renewal/recurring charge for each additional month)
1 month unlimited access to the podcast archives – $25 (and $18 automatic renewal/recurring charge for each additional month)Price:
DRAFT ONLY - 3 months unlimited access to the podcast archives – $45 (One time only)
3 months unlimited access to the podcast archives – $45 (One time only)DRAFT ONLY - 3 months unlimited access to the podcast archives – $45 (and $35 automatic renewal/recurring charge for each additional 3 month period):
3 months unlimited access to the podcast archives – $45 (and $35 automatic renewal/recurring charge for each additional 3 month period):Price:
DRAFT ONLY - 1 year unlimited access to the podcast archives – supporting member (One time only)
1 year unlimited access to the podcast archives – supporting member (One time only)
This membership now includes access to download the She Who Remembers audio archives – regularly valued at $74.50DRAFT ONLY - 1 year unlimited access to the podcast archives – supporting member – $135 (and $120 automatic renewal/recurring charge for each additional 1 year period.)
1 year unlimited access to the podcast archives – supporting member – $135 (and $120 automatic renewal/recurring charge for each additional 1 year period. This membership now includes access to download the She Who Remembers audio archives – regularly valued at $74.50):Price: